







“Meating”, the new festival where creative cuisine meets music

Chefs cooking live, musicians in artistic residency, concerts, street performances, tradition, innovation and lots of creativity. These are the ingredients of Meating, the “perfect harmony” between gastronomy and music.

Four chefs, one challenge: cook creative dishes for the public that explore the unique characteristics of indigenous breeds and chestnuts from Trás-os-Montes. This is the starting point for Meating, the food and music festival that will take place in Miranda do Douro, on the 14th and 15th of September.

The event was presented at BTL, in a press conference that revealed some of the confirmed protagonists. In the kitchen, chefs Óscar Geadas and Marcelo Dias; on stage, the collaborations of saxophonist João Cabrita with the traditional Mirandese music group Galandum Galundaina and Surma with the Mirandese band Trasga.

A unique gastronomic and cultural experience

“Miranda do Douro has a very strong identity. The gastronomy, the music, the language… This is what we want to celebrate, with an event that puts this tradition in dialogue with creativity and innovation”, explains Pedro Cepeda, member of the organization. “The objective is for chefs to create something new from local products and for national artists, from different musical styles, to also create unique concerts in collaboration with local artists. This will result in an exclusive gastronomic and cultural experience.”

João Cabrita, saxophonist who will collaborate with Galandum Galundaina, does not hide his enthusiasm for being able to “create a unique and representative show of Trás-os-Montes culture, which serves as a bridge to the future”. Virgílio Gomes, a gastronome associated with this event, also raises expectations, encouraging the public: “it will be worth going to Miranda do Douro to see the way in which traditional products will be worked on by modern cuisine”.

“Excellent music and exceptional food, in a fabulous setting such as the ruins of the Paço Episcopal de Miranda, is the perfect pairing for a festival that has everything to be remarkable”, stated Pedro Cepeda, revealing that, in addition to the cuisine and From the stages, Meating offers a diverse program for the whole family, with street performances by Wetutum, the Hélder Games and a traditional market selling Trás-os-Montes products. Admission is free.

Meating is an event financed by Turismo de Portugal and the Miranda do Douro City Council.

Updated information on the official website at www.meating.pt and on social media at @meating.pt.

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