
The Festival

MEATING is the celebration of the authenticity of Trás-os-Montes; the meeting point between gastronomy and music.

The goal is to promote indigenous breeds and the territory of this region in the North of Portugal, through a diverse program that includes:

  • Live cooking
  • Concerts
  • Street performances
  • Traditional market

Throughout the 14th and 15th of September 2024, four chefs will create exclusive dishes live for the public that explore the characteristics of indigenous breeds and chestnuts from Trás-os-Montes. Four national musicians will collaborate with four local groups to create original shows, in which different musical styles meet traditional Mirandese music.

It is a dialogue between tradition and innovation, which will result in an unforgettable gastronomic and cultural experience.


meat is matter and inspiration


a meeting between tradition and innovation



Miranda do Douro, museum city of Trás-os-Montes, a land that preserves an enviable cultural identity.

There is a lot to discover here: intense flavors, traditions and ancestral knowledge, a unique language, a unique architectural heritage and people who have the noble art of welcoming.

The setting is charming. The ruins of the Paço Episcopal, a mystical place overlooking the Douro, are the ideal place for a journey back in time, among the aromas, flavors and sounds of the past that are taken into the future by the hands of chefs and artists.



MEATING, as an event whose main goal is to promote the authenticity of the Trás-os-Montes region and its indigenous breeds, is based on a commitment to sustainability as a preponderant factor in achieving that goal.

Promoting a positive impact on the region and the local community and mitigating negative externalities are principles underlying the organization of this festival.


Increase the number of overnight stays and average spending;

Privilege local suppliers in all dimensions of the event;

Favour regional meat producers, boosting current and future sales;

Promote local employability;

Diversify event financing sources;

Donate surplus food to local institutions;

Encourage entrepreneurship in the agricultural, food and tourism sectors;

Promote circular economy based on the reuse, recycling and regeneration of materials.


Quantify and offset the carbon footprint of the event with the planting of trees;

Separate and properly treat waste and ensure the existence of recycling bins;

Promote the rational use of water by reducing waste, raising awareness and installing flow reducers;

Use efficient equipment;

Serve food on reusable + recyclable supports and encourage participants to bring their own cups and cutlery;

Encourage the adoption of environmentally sustainable behaviors during travel and at the event.


Democratize access to culture by organizing an event with free admission;

Promote equality of gender, ages, ethnicities and religions;

Empower the local community with new skills through observation – training actions;

Use correct, clear and accessible communication for everyone (blind, deaf and mute);

Create conditions of physical accessibility to the event for everyone.



MEATING is an event organized by Agência Três in partnership with Transmute and is financed by the “Portugal Events” incentive system, promoted by Turismo de Portugal, and co-financed by the Municipality of Miranda do Douro.

Nélson Lopes
Agência Três

Pedro Cepeda

Agência Três is an event production and management company.

It represents national artists and offers a wide range of services that allow it to provide experiences of exceptional quality at events of all sizes and for different audiences.


Transmute is a company focused on the design and development of projects to enhance territories and communities.

It promotes social, economic, cultural and environmental sustainability through a continued focus on collective intelligence, creative capital and endogenous resources with a catalyzing effect on impactful and lasting transformations, capable of reinforcing the identity and competitiveness of places.




MEATING is financed by the “Portugal Events” incentive system, promoted by Turismo de Portugal, co-financed by the Municipality of Miranda do Douro and supported by private organizations.




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